Characteristic of or reminiscent of the works of author Lemony Snicket. Similar to Kafkaesque, but more surreal, and may or may not include: Shady or morally ambiguous characters, people talking in code, greedy villains after your fortune, big words being used and/or defined, being obsessed with the latest 'in' items, and one bad day turning into a series of unfortunate events.
Person 1: So how's it going since you got the job at the software company?

Person 2: Terrible!!! My boss is a dick, I had to work double shifts twice cause some assholes didn't show up, the company is cutting budgets, and also I got wrongfully accused of harassment. My life has gone from Kafkaesque to Snicketesque!!!"

Person 1: : I didn't realize this was a sad occasion. "
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