to play the accordion so well it makes you want to sneeze
Richard: “Whatcha up to Charles?”

Charles: “Oh just sneezin’ on the old accordion Richard!”
by PCQ April 18, 2022
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another way to say sick, like "yo that shirt is sick". Specifically used to describe an accessory or a material object but can also describe a person's awesome personality
Dude #1: did you see that girl's chains? She is so iced
Dude #2: Yeah she's sneezin' let's go talk to her
by j_chyllin July 23, 2019
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A term used when someone's hoe's been a sleezin'. Igli is a term people use to call someone the pimp of pimps. That is why "Igli" is used in this term.
"You know what they say...

When Igli Sneezin' your hoe's been sleezin'."

"Damn Igli sneezed up in this bitch cuz yo bitches sleezin!"
by Munchmaqoochi October 20, 2011
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Performing cunnilingus (see also:Sneezin in the cabbage}
So she's got her legs up in the air,I'm sneezin in the heater,when all of a sudden her friggin cat jumped up on the bed,an'decides to use my codsack fer a scratchin'post!!
by BigBlue57 August 14, 2006
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Dabbin' or sneezin': The confusion someone gets when they see someone else covering their mouth with their elbows while they are sneezing.
*Fuck Boy Eric sneezes across the room*
Fuck Boi Chad elbows me and asks if Fuck Boy Eric was Dabbin' or Sneezin' ?
by Dabbin' or Sneezin' May 18, 2016
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used by jadakiss meanin to shoot a nigga out
Waitin on the day they say jesus is gonna come
So god bless yall niggas cuz im sneezing with my gun
by Griff July 2, 2004
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The short spasms of inhalation before a sneeze.
Thanks for the tissue, but I didn't make it past the pre-sneezin.
by myk247365 September 10, 2017
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