One U.S. dollar. Not sure of the origin.
Hey, can I borrow a couple of snags. I'll pay you back on Friday. Or. It's 5 snags to get in, but the band is really good.
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Straight Narcissistic Artist Guy(s)
- Guys who make of point of mentioning their art installation every chance they get, often with the intention of hitting on women.
- Generally hard to tell if they are gay or straight, Similar to (Sensitive New-Age Guy)
- Present themselves as thoughtful, creative and sensitive, but are eager to sleep with any woman that is within ear shot of their arrogant tone
- Environment/social/cultural causes are to a Snag what dance clubs are to a hustler.
- Will often not laugh at a joke made by other males in the presence of a female, in fear that he will appear inferior.
"I'm not going to go to a party where a bunch of snags are going to hit on me"

"that show is going to be full of a bunch of snags"
"You know, that snag who always orders the soy chai latte."
"That dude is a total snag, you can do better"
by real mackoy February 18, 2010
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A guys nasty hook up that he hides from others but everyone knows
Yeah Wes has himself a snag, he should get himself checked out .
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To catch someone attempting a sly but ill-advised maneuver right in the middle of the offense, resulting in that person getting thoroughly humiliated.
A: "That guy just ran a red light right in front of a police car."
B: "Ooh! Snagged!"
by Loogaroo November 28, 2005
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A tall Russian from Detroit living in Crown Heights working in a short mans clothing store.
Short guy: WTF you doing in my store you fucking Snag!?
Tall Snag: This sounds like a you problem you pussy ass bitch clown fuck.
Short guy: Can you do me a favor and stop being your snag-self?
Tall Snag: I was born at night, but not last night
by Fuqman May 6, 2022
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Oh My God dude stop cyring you are starting to turn into such a SNAG!
by naya612 August 14, 2008
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