So smug that one's smugness cause them to be, in fact: ugly.
"I am so much better than you at Guitar Hero!"

"God your face is smugly right now."
by barkbark January 18, 2010
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portmanteau of "smug" and "ugly." describes a person who is ugly, yet has the sense of entitlement, superiority complex and impatience for others that one would traditionally expect from a dimepiece.

usually applies to ugly girls whose rich parents feel sorry for them and overcompensate by spoiling them senseless
Jon R: Oh... sorry man. Did she at least have a good personality?

Tim R: Nah. She's smugly.
by timr211 October 5, 2011
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To be so ugly, it needs a new word in order for it to be defined. It literally means SO-Motherfucking ugly.
That bitch is so smugly, I wouldn't fuck her with a 10 foot pole!
by Dennis Tran September 7, 2005
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A word to describe ugly women on twitter that attack others on Twitter over stupid opinions, cry about getting backlash, and threaten to kill themselves. Rinse and repeat.

Inspired by Twitter user: @Smug_Legend
"Oh her? She's acting smugly, again? Go figure."
by SugarToLove December 20, 2019
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people who are ugly, yet have attitude that they are hot.
Rumer Willis is smugly- the girl thinks she is the hottest thing to walk the planet!
by Meadow Soprano August 1, 2008
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An intellectual word used to describe someone whom is Smug but also Ugly.
by Jamu September 3, 2012
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