Another version of the German last name "Schmidt", only those who have the name "Smidt" almost always have to spell it out.

Also, the "D" is silent, but never fails to confuse people.
Person A: "Name?"
Me: "Smidt."
Person A: "Schmidt. ...Nope, can't find your reservation."
Me: "...That's Smidt, S M I D T."
Person A: "...S M I D T? ...Oh, here it is."


"Your last name is Smiddit?"
by doomisdelicious April 11, 2009
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Group of people that ran off from the Schmidt surname to start their own legacy
Guy 1: Your surname is Schmidt?

Guy 2: No it's Smidt
by Anonymous_2.0 November 25, 2021
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"Yeah I guess you can call me..."


I don't care, but call me Smiddit and I will rip your face off.
"Hey Smiddit"
*Literally rips your face off*
"Hi... It's Smidt by the way"
by Smidtlyfe March 22, 2022
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when someone shows anger towards a certain person from them just mucking around
When taj didn't have prof he became will smidt mad
by prof inspector February 7, 2022
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