a club made of cool girls that like cheese. They also eat dictionaries and pee out uranus. G'day mate
hey Sloot number one!
Hey there Sloot number two!
have you seen sloot number 3?
by mother trucker September 17, 2003
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An ugly slut who thinks they're hot.
That girl ain't no slut. She a sloot.
by Andre November 22, 2004
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a younger girl who is really slutty and who does not acknowledge her sexual behavior amongst her peers.
R: hey man what's up?
B:just got a text message from my sloot.

R: yeah? I was talking to some sloots last night.
by daginger February 23, 2014
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Depending where you are from, A slut is known as many thigs... a sloot is just a simple way to call a French Slut
"Hey guys..this is Annie, she is from france....oh by the way she is also a sloot!"
by Ibz May 11, 2006
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a inconspicous way to describe drunk chicks at the bar that you intend to make sexy with
"hey, lets go to brick street tonite!"


"the sloots are aboot"

"shnice, ill get some rubbers"

no need, we need to spread beastman aids across the world"
by b to tha ruce December 3, 2006
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1. a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot.

2. a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money.

–verb (used with object)

3. to sell or offer (oneself) as a sloot.

4. to put to any base or unworthy use: to sloot one's talents.
hey Justin, we've been here for hours, what time are the sloots getting here?

how good are the sloots in Newcastle?!
by jay so September 2, 2009
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a slut, but more extreme. dirtier, less inhibited, less discretionary. like a pretty little white italia girl who sucks off niggers, or multiple men cause she's a coalburner. A good rule of thumb is the number of "o"'s in slut denote the number of niggers and/or the greatest number of multiple partners she had at one session.
Hear bout last night?

>yea you were in a foursome with that chicken head you found at the gym
how was it?
>she swallowed every load, shit was so cash.
wow sounds like a real sloot?
>hate to correct you but she was genuine slooot. it was good, but it was nasty. my dick already itches.
by hellzyeaa September 9, 2014
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