a fat, giant, disgusting skank. they tend to be very large and have rigidity e
uneven teeth, like a dinosaur. an even more obese skank may be referred to as a skankasaurours rex.
person A: Kate is really gross and fat, she's definitely a skankasaurous.
Person B: But Megan is way fatter and equally disgusting, she's a skankasaurous rex.
by twentyonebaby March 8, 2011
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the biggest skank u will ever meet


the girl whos with the guy you like
that skankasaurous she was all up on that guy and she just met him two minutes ago

look at that skankasaurous she thinks they look so cute together just wait a week
by omgeep June 10, 2009
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1.When someone someone is so incredibly skanky they are referred to as ~
2.When someone may have a random outburst it may be ~
3.A tea kettle
"It's GOJIRA!"
"I believe you are mistaken, 't is a skankasarous-rex."
"Damn that bitch be a skankasaurous-rex she so slutty!"
by J-man January 12, 2004
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A person, most often a female, who is so skanky that s/he supersedes the original definition of skank, and moves to the next level of skankiness. A person who flaunts his/her skankiness in a way that makes them wreak of skank.
What a skankasaurous...
You're such a skankasarous in that outfit.
by salemthomas November 20, 2008
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noun; an incredibly enormous skank. She resembles a dinosaur and her footsteps can be heard from a great distance. Also, she has a lot of sex.
Ugh, that fat bitch over there fucked all three of my housemates. She's such a skankasaur.
by BigUpsToMarshawn November 6, 2012
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