a derogatory term originated in Wiltshire, usually denoting males of low character or those individuals who live in Wiltshire, but were born in Hampshire.
A: "did u hear about those squaddies who assaulted a bloke outside Debenhams last night?"
B: "Bunch of skaggers"
by thezootking October 22, 2019
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A person who specialises in having sexual relations with skangers or chavs.
"You should have seen the size of the hoopy earrings on that girl Donal shagged last night. He's such a skagger."
by Mr. Mick December 16, 2005
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A male who enters a gay bar for the explicit purpose of picking up the Skanky hag that is left behind when the gay guy she is with is picked up. (Verb - Skagging)
Tom was known as quite a skagger. His last 5 girlfriends came straight off the arms of the gayest men in town.
by Genome1 March 27, 2009
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