A phenomena that occurs when a group of people walk side by side, blocking the entire sidewalk in a phalanx formation. Can be either intentional or simply the actions of inconsiderate, oblivious people.
If that sidewalk phalanx does not let me through I might have to walk in the dirt!
by lolcatzzzzzz March 7, 2010
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The person who walks directly beside their companion(s) on a crowded, narrow sidewalk and are unconcerned that there is foot traffic approaching from the opposite direction. These bullies always take the inside track and try to act oblivious as they run the oncomer off the sidewalk completely. It is as if the sidewalk bully is making a nonverbal boast that they have a friend, and you, the oncomer, are friendless and therefore inferior. In reality, sidewalk bullies, like bullies in general, tend to have low self-esteem and few friends.
Boss: "Joe, why are your shoes so muddy?"
Joe, "Sorry boss, I was accosted by a sidewalk bully on the way in this morning."
by Perv Johnson October 8, 2010
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When a man and a woman are dating, the man walks on the part of the sidewalk closer to the street and the woman walks on the inside of the sidewalk further from the street.
*girlfriend and boyfriend walking on the sidewalk not following the sidewalk rule*
woman: “let’s switch spots in order to obey the sidewalk rule”
man: “the what?”
woman: “…it’s time to break up”
by Grace knows best March 28, 2022
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A sidewalk slam (AKA slammer, sidewalk slammer, or just a slam) is a beverage concocted by mixing any Malt Liquor 40 oz. with an alcoholic energy drink such as Sparks, Tilt, or my personal favorite, Four Loko. This beverage, commonly consumed by smelly kids with dreadlocks and big goofy grins is one of the cheapest and quickest ways to get drunk that i have ever personally experienced. It is known to cause blackouts, bad decisions (i.e. taking LSD at midnight when you have work the next day), and awful hangovers, too.
My favorite sidewalk slam is made from High Gravity Side Pocket 10.5% ABV taken 75% down and mixed with an orange Four Loco! let's get a fuckin slam!

-phone rings-
Me - Ughhh...hello?
Henry - Hey man. Let's go get some slams.
Me - Dude. It's 10 AM.
Henry - Exactly.

Dillon - You want to get a slam?
Me - Sure. Let's get drunk.
Dillon - Can i get a Xanax from you?
Me - No.

Steven - Hey man. Let's go get a slammer.
Me - Why the hell not?
Henry - I've got some Ketamine, too.
Me - I don't want any Ketamine, man.
-three hours into a slam session-
Me - Alright. Give me some K.
by space cadet slam November 19, 2010
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A drink that is for blacking out, its a 40 Oz of any beer that you drink halfway and fill it up with a four loko.
Yo do you want to play edward forty hands with sidewalk slammers and blackout?
by Blackout Nixon October 15, 2018
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A person who talks shit through the phone, email, or radio but aint shit in person.
Sidewalk Sissy on the phone: "I'll whoop your ass!"

Ass Whooper: "Good becaus I'm standing at your door"

Sidewalk Sissy (cowering in the house) "oh I aint mean it man, you want a beer?"
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