A drama queen of exceptional ability. Able to materialize shit to bitch about out of thin air.
When originally coined in a karmic supernova of recognition: my sister caused a big drama-filled shitstorm around our wedding that was nothing to do with my wife being Sikh and more to do with my sister being an incredible shit wizard
by makosanders April 17, 2011
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A person who has the uncanny ability to create a shit storm (drama) out of nothing.
by randumnumber April 13, 2011
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1.)One who is skilled in the art of ass magic
2.) A homosexual Male
Man, Keep that fucking shit wizard away from me. I swear he is gayest person I know.
by raging_asshole August 27, 2006
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A lying hipster; a bullshitting hipster who is talking out of his ass to gain hipster status points.
What the fuck is up with Justin, he just keeps babbling that Arcade Fire are totally mainstream and so last year, like he discovered them a billion years before us... what shit wizard.
by SNJustin October 11, 2010
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wow that was some wizard shit
wtf thats some wizard shit
thats some wizard shit goin on over there
by bung the booce October 21, 2014
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Wizard Shit can mean anything from Dungeons and Dragons to Harry Potter and all of his wizard shit. The term has it's roots from word wizard, and the word shit. First developed by me when my friends new roommates started playing Dungeon and Dragons and warhamms and all that god awful garbage.
"What are all those nerds up to over there?", "Those nerds are up to some serious Wizard Shit over there"

"Quit playing that fucking Wizard Shit and go outside"
by Crabs McCaffery September 27, 2009
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