facial expression of those caught lying while not accepting resposibility
Despite the charges of corruption, Justin Trudeau again appeared before cameras wearing that shit-eating grin.
by Venetian Blind March 19, 2019
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A stupid grin that makes you look so clueless that you enjoy eating shit on a daily basis without realising you're a complete putz.
People who call tech support don't even try to learn the basics of using a computer. I picture them sitting at their desk with a shit-eating grin, then headbutting the screen.
by Mikes_arse August 20, 2006
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The grin on a persons face after they just tossed your salad.
by MissBunny October 10, 2003
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having been invited to eat shit, one declines ... with a smile ...
wipe that shit-eating grin off your face ...
by lpdmontana April 13, 2010
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1) A pejorative term used to describe the lowest forms of human life. For all you know, an 'SBF' could live on your street. Without a very keen nose, you can't be 100% sure.

But you see him watering his begonias, and you see that shit-eating twinkle behind his little bug eyes, and you just know.

This person is a scum-bag, a real twat of a guy.
He`s that fucking weirdo who takes your bus every day.

A shit-eating badger fucker reincarnated: think George Bush`s arsenal, Walt Disney`s looks, and Hitler`s open-mindedness.

2) This term can also be used when a surreptitious exit is necessary.

Simply point in a far off direction and shout, "shit-eating badger fucker!"
while the enemy is distracted, make your escape.

3) A derogatory term used to describe a person who not only engages in sex-acts with the short-legged, heavy-set carnivores from the weasel family, called badgers, but also ingests fecal matter, (whether solely or supplementary to their normal diet).
You see that guy, Mac? I dunno why, but I just get the feeling he`s a real shit-eating badger fucker.

You shit-eating badger fucker!!! You slept with my little sister!!!!
by Badger Protection Officer July 31, 2009
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