When you get so shitfaced that you end up rubbing hummus on your anus and puke in the cat's litter tray.
Oh man I got so shibbered last night, i'm not sure what happened, but I woke up this morning next to a pot of hummus and red raw sore genitals.
by kellyjodi85 July 29, 2010
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The uncontrollable movement your body makes when it's cold
by Noreen November 17, 2018
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Doing or acting in a slow/lazy manor.
A fish that is being slow and lazy is seen to 'shibber' along.
I'm feeling quite lazy today, I might just do things really shibish.
You're such a shib being so slow.
I'm not going to walk fast today, I shall shibber!!
by cessilmay March 25, 2011
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Shibbering is violently shaking, shivering. Cloombing is grabbing everything and hauling yourself up onto the top bunk because you left food in the cabin at 4-H fall camp and not sure if there's a raccoon under your bed eating that mcdonalds you and your friend got
Me: Did you see me cloomb and shibber last night?
Jessica: Yeah, I'm so glad i got the top bunk next to you. If i was underneath you, i would of gotten bit and got rabies!
by ichybichy September 20, 2018
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