(adj.) the state of being highly intoxicated due to drinking too many cans/bottles of Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy, which causes one to say or do something inappropriate.
Mary got shandied Tuesday night after softball and shared way too much personal information. She was definitely hammered.
by marymargaret July 13, 2012
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Is a South African slang word which means "something". It is mostly used by youth.
Person A : Hey bra you got that shandis?
Person B : Oh I got it!
by MartinezSA March 25, 2017
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Shandi's have very big guarded hearts. They take a minute to open up but if you are lucky enough to see them do it, you are a very lucky person. They are the best people you can meet. No matter what they are there for you. They are so funny and beautiful.. Being around a Shandi makes you want to be a better person.

They are amazing big sisters and if you don't have a Shandi as a big sister.. Prolly adopt one. They will never let anything happen to you and will always be there for you. You never know a love so strong as you do when you are love by a Shandi sister.

Do NOT make a Shandi mad.. The temper they have is like something not of this world! Godzilla runs!!! Short fuses and the bite is bigger than her bark!
Girl 1- Im gonna beat that girls ass!
Girl 2- Don't! Her sister is Shandi

Girl 1- She gets so mad!!
Girl 2- Well yeah! She's a Shandi.. Idiot...
by Nite Hawk March 12, 2010
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1) A girl named after a lesser known and unappreciated 'Kiss' song.

2) A girl who possesses special hidden talents (ex- Pro-Wrestling impressions/personalities, knowing the words to every song known to existance); A true party starter.

3) A friend to all animals from big elepahnts to tiny hamsters.
She is so multi-talented, I wish I was a Shandi.
by drpeper85 February 7, 2010
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1) Unusually unique first name for a female.

2) Single released by rock band KISS from their 1978 album Unmasked. Although not particularly successful, it was still a hit with their fans. Subsequently, most girls named Shandi have a parent who is obsessed with KISS, to the point of naming his/her offspring after the song.

As the generation of KISS lovers age, so do their daughters named Shandi. For this reason Shandi has become a more common name, with 2004 Miss America Shandi Finnessey and America's Next Top Model Shandi Sullivan making the name mainstream.

A true Shandi however, recognizes her uniqueness and embraces it, no matter how many other Shandi's she may encounter.
My dad is a crazy KISS fan. Owning all of their collectables wasn't enough, so he decided to name his first born Shandi. Luckily for my brother I was born first.
by The Original Shandi March 24, 2006
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A bad ass bitch in every conceivable way. She is terrifying with her brutal honesty, and big heart.
Jeez, you're such a Shandie! You do you, sista!!
by GladysKravitz September 27, 2017
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-A carbonated lemonade-beer drink or a different sweet carbonated beverage, but generally is a carbonated beer but does not usually have alcohol in it

-Something people named Tian En normally dont have
Person 1: Hey do you have some shandy?
Person 2: sorry nope, guess I'm a Tian En today.
by Anglophillian June 21, 2021
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