SGM or ΣGM stands for (Space Robots, Super (Secure, Secret) Good Morning. It is related to GM.
First thing you do when you a Discord, Telegram, or any other communication channel you start with SGM or ΣGM.
by tarantulo February 21, 2023
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Scissor Gang Mofia. This group of D-bags has been together for some time. They are recognized by their gang sign, similiar to a sideways-peace sign, with the palm facing in. You can usually find these members drunk at clubs or there headquarters in scottsdale, az. Their leader is not officially known but it thought to be Gumbi. For further information visit
Look at the fake SGM throwin up the scissors sign. What a D-bag.
by rareskills April 2, 2008
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Single Gay Male.
This is a man who "peacocks" his clothing to get attention of other males; likes forgies and other intimate moments with large groups of other SGM's and most likely wears a Fedora.

He does not however need to be stylish- there are undercover SGM's so always be on the look out!
He's wearing loafers, of course he's an SGM
by meowmix4325 May 12, 2011
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Skaters Gone Mad, originally a group of skateboarders from various parts of Sacramento, founded in 1995. Became famous for pranks, graffiti, fights, off-the-wall crime, and vandalism. Later evolved into a crack team of vigilante crimefighters who cleaned out the infamous C-Street Trainyard drug-dealers. Unofficially disbanded in 1999.
SGM is short for Skaters Gone Mad.
by NastyNateNeonatologist October 29, 2005
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Silly Goose Moose - being silly. Like "silly goose" just with moose at the end to rhyme with goose.
Common, Dont be such a SGM!


Silly Goose Moose!
by Inyourfacezach! July 7, 2006
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The latest slur from D.C. for queer folk: Sexual & Gender Minority.

Steven: “Can you believe their new alphabet soup in Washington. SGM. The NIH said queer folk is sicker than most others. Even opened a SGM Research Office to find out why.” Patrick: “Reparations Office sounds more appropriate with all the stress DC gives us LGBTQIA+“
The latest slur from D.C. for queer folk: Sexual & Gender Minority.

Steven: “Can you believe the new alphabet soup in Washington: SGM. The NIH said queer folk is sicker than most others. Even opened a SGMRO, a Research Office to find out why.” Patrick: “Reparations Office sounds more appropriate with all the stress DC gives us LGBTQIA+! Steven: “would have at least thought a new named minority class gets protections like all the others- and it used in the Federal Register too. Fucking Dadtbill swampers.
by Praxis8 March 12, 2020
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