If u are lucky enough to find a settha in your life time don't ever let him go.he is as rare as pirates treasure but worth so much more! He will never make u feel anything but happy and loved and accepted.he will never judge you or your friends.if it's the best advice that u are looking for just ask settha because he will never steer u in the wrong direction. Settha doesn't count the days he makes the days count. Good times were had by all with settha. He will give you all his trust but if u do lose that trust chances are you will not get back. He is the most loyal loving partner you could ask for and he will go out of his way to make sure the one he loves feels special each and every day.settha is a very soft spoken gentleman who always seems to have a ray of light around him which makes it that much easier to love him for him! He sends good vibes only which also causes him to attract good vibes. His happiness is very contagous. Going more than a few days without settha will make u feel as if something is missing in your life. He makes everyone laugh evening it means laughing at his self. One of the kindest people in the world and you can always count on settha for anything big or small. He's only one phone call away
I feel so calm all of a sudden settha must be close by
by Lillyb543 April 19, 2023
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