
A battle between the stuff that you want to do, and the crap that you have to do.
Based on his previous experiences with my prioritizing, Jeff knew that his party invitation would be victorious against homework in my scheduel.
by palooza09 August 26, 2010
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a battle for honor and spots in a class.
"Me and my friend schedueled for the last spot in the class"
by yuskey444 April 6, 2010
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When a group of people attempt to schedule a date for a group event and everyone is competing for a date that suits them.
We are supposed to have dinner, as a group, but people kept scheduelling and it got canned.
by Quidgeeboh May 3, 2010
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A plan that you know will end up with a fight
The Scheduel to build the bridge was going to cause trouble
by Willan Lee November 22, 2018
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