Sawsane is the hottest bitch around. She likes to ride in Ferraris. VROOM VROOM 🏎🏎🏎Actually she is obsessed with them and she stalks them at car shows. Sawsane is so shrexy that no boy can resist her. Sawsanes are most compatible with people who’s names start with B or C🤭 If ur ever so lucky as to find a SAWSANE, never let her. As in keep her in the basement or she’ll go cheat on u with another kiddo🏎🏎Good luck👌
Ferrari kid: “Hey there’s that sawsane girl. She’s a stalker but she sure is good at driving cars.”
by DucksbumChickenStripper March 17, 2020
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This hottie will attract all the boys! She is nonstop, a very great friend. Most likely will date a boy that starts with a T, She is a very good singer. Some Sawsane's are beast at soccer. You don't want to get on her dark sad... Trust me. She is very smart and sexy and you can trust her with ANYTHING!!
"Hey did you see that hot girl the other day?"
"Oh, Sawsane!"
by UrbanDictionaryFactzz December 23, 2018
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Someone very awesome who is an amazing friend, good in school, responsible, sometimes a bit naive, but very lovable and the most trustworthy person you will ever meet.
Sawsan helped me with my math today and I passed the test!
by rainbowmarkers December 19, 2010
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A nickname used for a sexy bitch with nice ass called aziz
Hi Sawsan
by ustath Saad October 31, 2019
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A beautiful,smart , loving person. She is a trustworthy kind person, very sexy and will always be by your side, she has all they guys, and has the perfect laugh and smile
Wow your friend is a Sawsan, i wish I can have a friend like yours
by Ash21213 November 14, 2017
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Sawsan means a person who's nuts are big,loves mitski and is very smexy ;)
My crush is Sawsan
by diana777 October 3, 2022
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Laut Gerichtsurteil des Amtsgerichts Tiergarten eine islamische Sprechpuppe
Sawsan Chebli's Vater kam mehrmals illegal nach Deutschland
by Dave4444 April 24, 2020
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