
A Safari is an expensive chance to get ripped to peices by a wild animal.
My friend was killed on Safari by Lions.
by BiII Gates October 30, 2005
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Tonight is gonna be safari
Its safari in here
by jc1234556 November 20, 2012
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A Safari is a term coined by a Narrabundah College Student in 2009. It is generally expressed in times of chaos, inappropriateness, and otherwise uncomfortable situations.
There are a few types of Safaris:
1) A normal Safari (ie chaos)
2) A mental Safari (when someone acts stupidly)
3) An Anal Safari (reffering to a homosexual)
1) Student A: Look at that chick over there talking on the phone during class.
Student B: This is not a fucking safari!

2) Student A: Did you see that guy over there, he told me to cover my mouth when I burp.
Student B: Damn that guy must be on a mental safari.

3) Student A: Why did the cheers cross the road?
Student B: To get to the safari.
by taiey temorey October 28, 2009
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An alternative to Internet Explorer or Firefox. Apparently faster than all other internet browsers.
I am using Safari to view this page
by Dj Full-Torque September 28, 2005
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Safari is an alternative web browser developed by Apple. Not only is it available for Apple Macintosh Operating Systems, now it is available for Windows XP and Windows Vista. The soft operation of the browser outlasts Internet Explorer's performance and competes with its main rival: Mozilla Firefox. It is known to have accelerated speeds, but the most probable reason is for the memory usage for processing the receiving/sending of in-browser data.

Although in disadvantage, many other ActiveX plugins (like Microsoft Update or Windows Media Player (9 or above)) will not work. Although basic plugins (such as RealPlayer, Adobe Flash or Adobe Shockwave) are well usable.

The software for both Macs and Windows is in its Beta 3 stage and it is planned to be release or otherwise erased from existance for Windows compatibility. However, the stable releases are available for Mac OS X Operating Systems. Each distribution (on Apple's Website) can be downloaded with Quicktime or not.

And the Apple iPhone and the newest iPod Touch comes with Safari preloaded. Their connectivities are Wi-Fi (Both) and GPRS/GSM (iPhone). In those cases, iPhone and iPod Touch browsers cannot accept ActiveX plugins except their default media player inside the devices.
I've seen Safari on a Mac before, but on my Windows XP computer is just a dream come true!

Hey, didn't I see this on an iPhone too? And that Apple website said about a new iPod Touch... sounds cool! Hey wait, it has Safari too?
by NoStarving September 8, 2007
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Used in the similar context as that’s “Gas “ or “Fire.” It is implied a true safari would be bad ass. Amazing yet wild experience only understood by those present.
What did you think about the movie?
Yo that’s Safari -
by Kreepn September 19, 2020
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A shy, cute and gentle bengal cat. Has big eyes and licks everyone, to show her compassion. Very adorable and precious.
Can I please hold Safari?
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