when you push out a fart that is really a loose stool.
Johnny ran to the toilet after his fart turned out to be a wet rouser.
by Robert Deutsch October 31, 2008
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a troublesome child that enjoys causing mischeif.
"Your son Nick is really a rubble rouser, he kept dealing drugs and having sex in class"

"Im sorry mam, im sure his rubble rousing will cease eventually"
by thehes31 November 2, 2011
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1. A person or persons (when plural) who often causes trouble or a ruckus to people or society as a whole.

2. a pervert that sifts through womens ruffles.
1. See those guys over there? Their Ruffle-Rousers!

2. gosh! cody is such a ruffle-rouser!! its gross!
by nutternubber2 June 13, 2011
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An act of speaking more words, usually unnecessary, to fill time and/or set the mood.
Bobby and Will are Rabble Rousers, they won't shut up.

Rabble Rousers at the LA Velodrome tend to enjoy speaking about the ideas of "Rabble Rousers", video games, and Mommy-and-Me Classes.
by kiit October 13, 2010
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someone who wins the annoying competition against DoNaLd TrUmP
annoying little seven years old girl: wheres mom? wheres pop? wheres my candy? wheres my lamp i put on the street yesterday to be stolen? where is my dead cat? where was my poop flushed..i want it back!! where did all the chickens disappear?!!
older bro: Quit it!dumb idiot you are a serious Rouser-in-my-trouser man!
by phasadi May 10, 2017
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A group that infiltrates the inner government power to cause a ruchus in the world government.
"Kane Cyberkommunyste is the leader of this Rabble Rouser Society..."
by KaneCyber January 31, 2010
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Billy Harris thinks he’s a rouser I’ll beat him on the dualy
by Cweatherhill May 29, 2018
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