- Getting high off ecstasy.
- Striking a person and taking their valuables (used mostly in the south)
I once rolled off a pill and then punched some guy in the head and took his wallet.
by Denis Baldwin June 3, 2004
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V. The effects of taking ecstacy or MDMA. Term coined due to the rolling back of ones eyes into ones skull as a result of pure rapture.

Ex. Dude, I was rolling my ass off at the christmas rave.
by Sarah Gee August 13, 2006
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I can't believe nobody's defined this on urbandictionary yet. Rolling's when you're laughing so hard that you roll over, or bend over from the side pains you get from chuckling so hard.
Chappelle had me rolling last night when he showed off house and his two million dollar chicken bone chandelier made from past expensive dinners.
by brokenhelmet March 12, 2011
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A popular independent film about a diverse group of Ecstasy users in modern-day Los Angeles. Title derived from the common term used to describe the state of intoxication while on Ecstasy, also known as MDMA.
I saw Rolling, directed by Billy Samoa Saleebey, last night and I thought it was an awesome movie!
by larkolars May 12, 2009
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Adj. A bowl or bong pack of marijuana which is already burning and doesn't need to be lit again to obtain another hit.
"Don't light it up man, just hit the bowl it's rolling!"
by Dankster February 22, 2005
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to laugh loudly and heartily as in to "roll on the floor in laughter"
"Rochelle saw David rolling with his friend."
by Sasquatch Gordon September 23, 2005
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