fried up coke fiend from the 80s who enjoys using the word Bitch, fuck yo couch, and darknesses.
its a celebration bitches...I'm rick james!!!
by swordsman April 22, 2004
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The Super Freak is super dead!
R.I.P. Rick, we hope god shows you his titties!
I'm Rick James Ghost Bitch!

by exotoa August 8, 2004
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Rick James was a popular 80s Superfreak. He was popularized in this day and age by Dave Chappele (A witty black comedian for all those who have been living under a rock) which was funny when the first few people said it (ME specifically, I thought it was hilarious the first time it was on, not after all those punks started using it. The poor joke was then senselessy beat to death with a fish by extreme overuse by stupid kids who are trying to seem cool by saying it, when in fact they are sad pathetic, unimaginative buttfors (What's a buttfor, you might ask? For pooping, silly). The next in line for this cruel and unusual punishment: "God, Idiot" from Napoleon Dynamite.
by Sean Connerey March 5, 2005
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When added with the word "bitch!" makes the title of the best Chapelle show skit thus far.
"What am I gonna do about my legggggggsss Eddie Murphy?!"
by John Stanley April 24, 2004
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