4 definitions by Sean Connerey

one who loves the pokemon, and is creating a secret proffessional terrosist group of fanatic assasins in the jungles of Borneo where he plans to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

also one who wears a hawaiin shirt with japanimation on it to grad
all fear kamil!!!!!!!!
by Sean Connerey March 4, 2005
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Rick James was a popular 80s Superfreak. He was popularized in this day and age by Dave Chappele (A witty black comedian for all those who have been living under a rock) which was funny when the first few people said it (ME specifically, I thought it was hilarious the first time it was on, not after all those punks started using it. The poor joke was then senselessy beat to death with a fish by extreme overuse by stupid kids who are trying to seem cool by saying it, when in fact they are sad pathetic, unimaginative buttfors (What's a buttfor, you might ask? For pooping, silly). The next in line for this cruel and unusual punishment: "God, Idiot" from Napoleon Dynamite.
by Sean Connerey March 5, 2005
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a word used when no other word seems fit for the purpose, use it as you see fit
then it exploded and it was like, inventore
by Sean Connerey March 4, 2005
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Inventore is something that occurs through the process of participating in an interest inventory. After this occurs you are done the processess of inventoring. Most often occuring in a guidance class.
1.) An Interest inventory is used to inventore your interests.
2.) After the inventore I slapped my teacher.
3.) Inventore.
by Sean Connerey March 6, 2005
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