The deep feeling of regret one feels after eating a large some of food, eating something unhealthy, or just eating in general.
I always suffer eater's remorse after thanksgiving, thinking of the pounds I'll have gained when I return to school.
by ElSaraness August 28, 2010
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When a Person regrets, or rues shaving any attatched hair from their body.
mannnnnn i really miss my hair. I think I have "Shaver's Remorse."
by kkkkiller July 7, 2010
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The regret you feel wishing you could improve, or say something better or funnier only after you have hit the Update button while using Twitter.
After I tweet sometimes I lay in bed & think "Oh, that could have been so much better!" Now I have a raging case of Twitter's remorse.
by JaysJob June 25, 2009
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When upon looking at a (usually large) printed document, you regret printing it.
Joe had printer's remorse because he just printed a 100 page file in colour when he meant to print it in black and white.

Jill had printer's remorse because she just realised she printed the odd pages of a long document twice.

Bill had printer's remorse because he forgot to check the "multiply slides per page" option and thus resulted in 120 pages with one lecture slide each.
by sean1123 April 13, 2008
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An individual experiences the "Byers remorse" when, after having loudly proclaimed to his friends and acquaintances that he will no longer have sex with unnatractive women, he proceeds to have sex with unnatractive women and then loudly proclaims his regrets to the aformentioned friends and acquaintances.
Did Billy bang that Hippo last night? I smell a case of the Byers remorse.
by burge322 January 16, 2011
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That feeling you get when you screw a gal and then have immediate regrets
Bob: i can't believe you screwed Amber. You know she'll tell everyone
Tim: Damn, now i have fucker's remorse
by Samkai October 14, 2008
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The feeling that you wasted an awesome sticker that you probably should have used elsewhere. Often the result of sticker paralysis, and similar to Tattoo Remorse
Dude 1: "why so glum?"
Dude 2: "Affixation remorse"
Dude 1: "What?"
Dude 2: I stuck that sweet vintage Apple sticker on my old PS2 Guitar Hero Guitar. I never even play that game any more. I should have put it on the rear window of my truck"
Dude 1: "what a waste"
by grimfish March 5, 2009
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