A temporarily debilitating emotional/physical manifestation of withdrawal resulting from perceived rejection.

The condition presents from equal amounts perceived rejection AND self-pity/sulking.
After his girlfriend stormed out and damaged his frail ego, he later refused to sleep with her/was unable to perform, citing his feelings of rejectionitis.
by smartcookie April 18, 2009
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1. The belief that you should reject anything proposed by another political party or group, no matter what it is or how it might benefit others.

2. A kneejerk reaction to anything that isn't "ideologically pure."

3. The attitude that you can honestly reject an idea even if you don't what it is -- or that you can reject a proposal without even reading it -- simply based on its origin.
Melvin is a perfect example of Rejectionism. He condemned the latest health care plan before it was even released -- in fact, before it was even written.
by Peter Kobs August 4, 2009
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