A racist and a rapist (Or a rapist that only chooses to rape one specific race of people)
Judge: You're in this courtroom today for alleged rape of Chinese prostitutes, how do you plead?
Lawyer: Your honor, my client has done nothing wrong, he is not a rapcist!
by Fuckshitassdick November 4, 2020
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A person, usually caucasian, who is proficient in the hood art of raping and/or rapping in a manner that is offensive to people of a certain ethnic group.
"OMG that guy is legit spittin' racist bars! WHILE RAPING SOMEONE?!?! he must be a rapcist."
by BigFudge2709! May 23, 2023
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It’s the mix of the words rapist and racist
For example to refer to the 45th president of the United States, Donal Tirunp:
-Donald Tirunp is a ra_ist

“p” or “c”
- Easy Donald Tirunp is a rapcist
by Trumphater101 September 13, 2020
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It is a mix of both Rapist and Racist, it was made just for Donald Trump
Donald Trump is a Rapcist
by Mitra1893 June 1, 2020
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rapcist is the combination of the words rapist and racist
by bhappyufatcunt June 3, 2020
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