A word that is now misused by a ton of people online
Person 1: "black"

Person 2: "ThATS RacISt!!1!!"
by I dont regret a thing April 28, 2021
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Contrary to popular belief, not all blacks think whites are racist. And I FAIL to see one who is that crazy about racial remarks. Most of the times, the ones saying its racist are NOT the ones who are being "offended" by the so-called racial discrimination.
Take LocoRoco for example, I'm black with dreads, yet I don't find the Mojas racist. MOJA! MOJA!
by JayMayKha501 February 11, 2012
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Matt: Oi Joe, you're a fucking racist!
Joe: Fucking oath, you're a goodcunt too.

Jeff: Fucking sand-niggers!!
Mike: Jeff, you good cunt!
by Eury February 8, 2008
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a person who believes that all races are created equal- contrary to what democrats believe

a racist is an anti-liberal person who believes that we should judge people by the content if their character
hey! gregg just told democrats they're wrong and he thinks all races are equal! he must be racist!
by editorman222 November 21, 2021
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someone who races fast cars
Micheal : "I'd love to be a racist someday dad, I love fast racing and fast cars!"

Micheals Dad: "haha sure thing kid"
by Racecar22222 May 17, 2022
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Racist , a 2016 revision.
Contrary to its original meaning of someone whom judges another according to their skin color, ethnic background, or racial differences, this term word is now used in the context of "I disagree with you but instead of saying that I am going to use a word that carries much more derogatory affiliation as to also attempt to discredit your thinking as a whole".
This term is synonymous with the new version of "conspiracy theorist" as well. Although "conspiracy theorist" is a double speak term where racist is not. Double speak in the context of stating a term which means complete opposite of its technical meaning. Often used by big government for social engineering.
1: That driver must be racist, they fail to use their turn signals.

2: Equal rights are racist because it fails to enact true racism in which I will get favortism based solely on my color
by cheezychi July 25, 2021
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