Quirkyalone: n. a person who enjoys being single (or spending time alone) and so prefers to wait for the right person to come along rather than dating indiscriminately; relishing equal doses of solitude and friendship; attracted to freedom and possibility. Also adj.: The condition of being equally at home with singledom and being in a healthy relationship, undivided, whole. Of, relating to, or embodying quirkyalones.
by Jennifer December 16, 2003
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(adj., n., rare) 1. A state of contented celibacy which is accidentally norm-bucking. Would not even theoretically be used by those who might actually be "quirkyalone" (e.g., Katherine Hepburn; Nina Simone; Angelina Jolie post-Billy Bob Thornton and pre-Brad Pitt).

2. (adj., n., rare) A delusional, idealistic self-ascription only ironically suited to its referent (i.e., aging, undersocialized, oversmart, naive diagnosis-hunters). A form of Sartre's bad faith.

3. (n., rare) A hopeful but doomed curmudgeon.
I wish my married friends would talk about something other than their sex lives and kids and other married friends :( !! They'll never understand what it's like for us quirkyalones. I'll post more on this later -- time to feed the cat!!
by amber ramble September 5, 2005
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Someone who is ok to be single and wait for the right person, rather than always in a relationship, looking for a relationship, or dating someone for the sake of it.
Sam would rather wait for "Mr/s Right" than date a "Mr/s Right Now" so S/he is single right now. S/he is Quirkyalone.
by ilol'd February 13, 2012
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