An act of pretending to drink alcohol by consuming water while your friends man the fuck up.
Look at that asshole across the bar pulling a Ron, drinking water all night like a bitch.
by WilliamClinton6969 July 10, 2014
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When a fat 280 pound, red headed, dirt kid named Ron Singleton attacks you from behind.
Hes a faggot, we gonna be pulling a ron on his ass!
by singleton3431 September 16, 2012
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To be an absolute dipshit and walk away from your computer (or in real life) without letting anyone know you or leaving or any preemptive warning.
"So Ron, hows Hayley?"
"Looks like he's pulling a Ron(ald)"
by God Damn It Ron January 22, 2016
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Leaving your coworkers and moving to another state to be with your girlfriend.
You better not be pulling a Ron and going to Indiana!”
by Superboy001 October 24, 2023
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