Shining examples of accountability and discipline. Where you can send your kids for the best edjumaction around. (Obviously not written by a publik skool kid)
After I gradueted from publik skools, I got hired at buger keng for 5.15/hr. In dese here gubment skools, day sed it duddnt matta if ya ded a gud jub, jest feel guud about yerself. I so feil guud about miself wen I smoke crak every da n'sit on my lazi ass waitin' fur my gubment cheese. I luv da federal guverment of amerika!
by J. Malik October 11, 2005
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The institushun that makes America grate.
I dont knead no vouchurs. I lerned how to spel in publik skools.
by Alan Greenspan May 8, 2003
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