a very rare, and very serious genetic condition involving the presence of webbed fingers, wing-like arms, an air-sac skeletal system for flight, an aerodynamic dorsal, colorful crest, and feathers. Although individuals develop the capacity for flight, they can be trained to forage on the ground if their symptoms are controlled. It may be necessary to refer for developmental consults, such as speech therapy to reduce the occurrence of persistent squawking noises, and occupational therapy since dinosaurs often suffer from discrimination in the workplace.
unfortunately, second cousin suffers from Pterodactyly, but on the bright side, he is an excellent track and field athlete, competing in the high jump.

People with ADS are able to flourish in life if their symptoms are well-controlled.
by starp4444 November 3, 2010
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When something is said and you are concurring to the utmost degree, you would use the phrase to show your strong agreement
Person 1 - "Drugs are bad, and thats why we shouldnt do them"
Person 2 - " Exactly pterodactyly Thats why!"
by IsaacF December 26, 2018
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