so pretty could be used in a sentence like "i think your beautiful"
by YONEWBITCH October 24, 2020
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A trashy girl who still has the capacity to be attractive... somewhat...
by Iceman_TJ September 4, 2007
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So pretty bcs I said so and they are Beautiful, Pretty, Handsome in one
by NIAMIAHH7 April 25, 2023
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When you see a set of two friends.. always one of them have to be ugly
See those people over there? They are best friends and honestly... I aint ever seen two pretty best friends. always one of 'em always gotta be ugly
by sum_ting_wong9 January 22, 2021
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a group of bad ass bitches that don’t got no rap for nobody , buh still have class and definitely no how to carry them selves
Only pretty bitches, tf
by prettygirl1111111 April 15, 2020
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Someone who is beautiful, but broken.
"She's a 10, but she's a little crazy."

"Oh, c'mon, you and these pretty-in-wilts."
by pinknarcissus October 20, 2023
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A girl who is not pretty out of the shower, but has a solid foundation and when applies makeup and effort appears pretty.
I saw Kim when she woke up this morning and realized she is a total prom night pretty.
by bryguy6969 February 6, 2018
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