Unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development.
He is a precocious child.
by CrosswordPuzzle October 29, 2011
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A kid who hit puberty by six.
Guy 1-The kid is driving a car, that's almost impressive except he's gotta pull over, he doesn't need to be driving.
Guy 2- Would you quit being so hard on the kid, he knows what he's doing.
Guy 1- Yea, you're right I'm overthinking it, I should keep going its nothing.
Guy 2- Are you okay man? Its just a kid driving, you never saw a kid driving.
Guy 1-That kid had to be in kindergarden.
Guy 2-So you never saw a kindergarten driver, he's a little precocious, what's the matter? The kid is fine, let him drive.
by Solid Mantis June 14, 2018
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1.(of a child) Having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual

2.(of behavior or ability) Indicative of such development

3.(of a plant) Flowering or fruiting earlier than usual
1. he was a precocious, solitary boy

2. a precocious talent for computing
by uhscrubs October 15, 2010
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How you sound when you say 'Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious'.
If you say it loud enough you always sound precocious
by Cozmeister May 3, 2011
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A guy or girl that hits puberty at 6.
Guy 1-Do you see that kid driving? That kid shouldn't be out on the road.
Guy 2-He has a mustache.
Guy 1- Don't you have to be 54 or 56 inches tall to drive though? His mother and father just let him drive like that.
Guy 2-He's a precocious kid, let him drive.
by Solid Mantis June 14, 2018
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