a sequence of events wherein each event sets a new, higher standard that will act as a precedent for all subsequent events.
-As far as I know, this phrase has never been coined or defined before.
Bob tells funny stories and does spontaneous imitations at work. each one is a little funnier than the one before. his co-worker's expectations track with his performance so that now he has to maintain the gradient of improvement every time he opens his mouth or, - and this is the key- they will respond as if it was less funny than it really is. He has trapped himself in a system of ascending precedents.
by Kenneth A. Vaughan October 14, 2008
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Refers to an "acquired from the past" habit/routine/action/policy, usually of questionable morals/ethics. It originates from a practice that a former U.S. prez began many years ago, and so then one or more C-in-C's have partaken of same sinfulness on numerous occasions since then because they figger that it is something they can get away with and thus they should be able to do it themselves.
A few "classic" and disgraceful examples of a precedent of the United States would be Kennedy's philandering (and so Clinton and Dubya followed suit), Nixon's dirty politics (and so Reagan did likewise, as well), and Reagan's running rough-shod over everyone (just as The Donald is doing now).
by QuacksO April 11, 2019
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