1. A name associated with the fictional Star Wars series movie character named Anakin Skywalker played by Hayden Christensen. Used by replacing the affix of the name Skywalker with the name of one of the weakest monsters within the game of Pocket Empires Online intentionally.

2. Anakin Prawnwalker was the 1st in Pocket Empires Online history to dominate a Stronghold within the pvp based game on a 3 day old, 1% troop loss based server. He is known for being fair, firm, consistent, ruthless, and one of the best players in the game, not to mention very sexy.

3. Not someone that agrees with the new rules out today.
Prawnwalker Anakin Prawnwalker anakin prawnwalker peo history maker prawnfucker pocket empires savage dragon killer troop shredder shit talker Jon Hayden Christensen anakin Anakin Star Wars
by PEO Consultant December 30, 2011
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The most awesome, savage, talented, cute, sexgod, ruthless and absolutely the best player in pocket empires online history.
prawnwalker anakin prawnwalker anakin prawn walker AP
by PE consultant December 29, 2011
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