Any 8-12 year old child that says they are mosher/punk but are infact stupid little fucktard ass brains.
close your eyes
imagine there is a 3 1/2 to 4 foot midget sitting at the local hindu temple,(imagine your hindu please! be open minded, it can be quite fun, sometimes we celebrate christmas) sat there huge teeth, hair in huge flick, sat in a slipknot hood going
"Oh, year Galaxy 105 is well phat, Akon is ace! i heard slipknot on it yesterday!"
by Tesh May 23, 2005
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Anyone that is insecure about who they are inside. People that arent sure what they want to be like and are trying to blend in. Usually, you can tell right off the bat who is a poser. I have a friend that dresses ghetto-like, skates horribly and trys to blend in with us rockers.
Those posers are damn jocks, I HATE JOCKS!
by mask824 ooblajoobla September 21, 2005
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Someone who has no personality of their own and follows the fad just so they can follow everyone else and agree with the majority of the group even if they believe in something else.
Most of the people who put their pic under gangsta. People who joined MySpace or anything else like that just because everyone else is unless they joined before it became a "fad" or because their friends wouldn't stop buggin them to join.
by MiZz_HoBo099 July 19, 2005
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Someone who isn't what the are posing as. (example: goth)
by FrigginPoet May 18, 2003
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Someone who pretends to be what they aren't to get what they want. Usually, they prefer to back stab friends and then say that that person is a poser when in fact, they themselves are a poser.
Allison: You died your hair red to look like someone from a book!
Valerie: *cough* First, her hair is brown. Second, you died your hair the same color right after I did!
Allison: Like whatever poser. *snap fingers* *lots of girls who look the same pop-up* Like, we're leaving.
Valerie: Good luck with that.
by I'm a goth. Got a problem? March 13, 2008
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A guy/girl/person( of any gender inbetween) that tries to be something they aren't and thinks they are really cook while being all poserish. The normal poser is an emo kid poser which is usually called scene. Poser kids are stupid. And Fags. Get a life posers.
"Dude lets go check out that new anime stuff!"
"YEAH and while we're at it lets look at that new Harry Potter movie! I heard it was RAD."
"We are so emo dude.."
(man from afar)
"Wow, what posers"
by Taylor1993 October 6, 2008
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People that are superficial
Often go tanning, watch shitty reality shows on MTV, Wear Hollister, drive SUV's, and make me sick
Tim buys torn-up jeans from Hollister, watches the Real World, Drives a Chevey Tahoe even though he doesn't need all the space it has, and goes tanning daily. What a Poser1
by Pig Child December 21, 2007
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