It's a typical italian expression that is literally translated as pig god referring god to a pig. It's mainly said to blame god for the things that happen either good or bad. The adjective "pig" can change into many other words such as merda(shit), cane(dog), bastardo (bastard), ladro (theif), stronzo(asshole) and so on. The expression can also involve the figure of the virgin mary so the line can be Madonna puttana (referring the virgin mary as a bitch). In certain regions of italy such as Tuscany and in the northern part of Italy, the expression is the equivalent of the filler words "fuck", "fucking"
Porco dio ho perso le chiavi - Porco dio i lost my keys
Porco dio che bello rivederti - Porco dio i'm happy to see you
passami quel porco dio di martello - Hand me that fucking hammer.
by nihilst November 2, 2022
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Italian people use to say dio porco when they are particular angry!
Dio porco is similar to: dio cane, dio boia, dio merda, dio mirtillo, dio scacciacani e dio sparamerda
Dio porco lamer di merda!

Dio porco testa di cazzo!
by Greedo October 3, 2004
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An Italian insult, calling God a pig.
See porco dio, for it is used more regularly, and has a better flow
ma, dio porco, Lei capisce?
by willgaspari September 15, 2005
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Don't say that two's like cursing off God and it's real offensive for the christian people.
people use to say that when they got really angry..
by Chiara February 3, 2005
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