A word to express one’s disappointment in a conversation. Often utilized by prostitutes of the New York State region, “pootinky” is developing into a very popular assertion amoung the adolescents of today.
Guy: "No, bitch, I don't want you to suck my cock right now.."
Slut: "Oh pootinky.."
by FrankieSbig June 6, 2004
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Noun.) A piece of poop so small in size that it resembles that of a small rabbit turd. Cannot exceed the size of a marble.

Verb.) To Pootinki: Taking a dump, so small in size, that it looks like it was made by a rabbit or rodent rather than a Human.
Example 1:

Del: Man, I thought i had to shit, but all that came out was a little Pootinki! Hope I am not getting constipated!
by MikeyRef February 4, 2010
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