ethchlorvynol, a sedative drug (Placidyl was the brand name the drug is sold under)
Taking plass fucked him up majorly.
by The Return of Light Joker November 12, 2010
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OM Jeeze dat nigga is Plasse as shit I wanna have kids with dat nigga

Matt Moslin is no Plasse
by Jeff Becker January 26, 2008
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The ol' Eghroots Mintz-Plasse is an incredibly famous duster, the best of the best. No one dusts it off like he does. If you have an Eghroots Mintz-Plasse that needs dusting, call the ol' Eghroots Mintz-Plasse.
Sweet mother of god, my car, it needs dusting. I know! I'll call the ol' Eghroots Mintz-Plasse!
by Eghroots Mintz-Plasse October 25, 2016
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