Any person who is constantly pissing you/others off or doing things to piss people off.
Wow that guy is such a piss off!

My ex is a piss off.
by Mz_Katie June 19, 2009
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just pissed off with the whole male human race
by Anonymous August 22, 2003
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Something that pisses you off
"what a piss off!"
"that was a real piss off!"
by Kranky November 26, 2006
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The feeling I get when people enter definitions for bands that simply state their extreme godlike status, yet give no info on the band whatsoever.
This entry for the band Silverchair pisses me off:

by dav0_12 August 19, 2005
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- When you're urinating so hard that you shit your pants. Only people with anger issues have this problem.

- an angry little piss bitch who can't confront the person that they hate for unknown reasons. Usually a stuck up spoiled brat who sits on the computer all fucking day typing up lame psychotic essays in an attempt to offend the person. They like to remain anonymous.

- A self proclaimed rapist who suffers from a combination of obsessive compulsive disorder, manic depression, passive aggression, homosexuality, voyuerism, and an uncrontrolled urge to masturbate to the person they dislike. while the victim laughs.
you little pissed off piss you still pissed off at her? get the fuck over it psycho. go take your anger out on other random people. sounds like you're the type of psycho who would go postal. Go shoot yourself you little faggot. go jack off to someone else and quit watching the porn and pretending that you don't. I thought Every man does it even women. Everyone knows you're not getting any.
by trollOCDdenial March 26, 2010
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antonym for being pissed on.

"At that party, CJ drank so much that he got pissed on, now he's just pissed off."
by jackass January 5, 2003
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the act of oral sex or reacving a hand job where the person on the receiving is pissing in the face or mouth of the person giving the act of the sex. often confused with the term "pissed the fuck off" which means being upset or angry
Guy 1:dude this girl got me pissed off
Guy 2: Eww thats gross, unless your into that
by Mo Alzer March 8, 2010
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