19 definitions by jackass

One who is a fuck that changes his opinion and mind multiple times causing shit to stirr
He is such a fickle fuck! When will he ever settle down?
by jackass February 6, 2014
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Wheller is a brit-ish feller
That guy Wheller kicks so much ass.
by jackass October 15, 2004
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His aesic is huge .
by jackass December 7, 2003
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a young child prostitute specialising in bondage (can describe anyone from 7- 13 who enjoys bondage)
this can be an insult
wow, its grown from a boy to a mapple

that skanky 12 year old is such a mapple
by jackass April 17, 2004
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antonym for being pissed on.

"At that party, CJ drank so much that he got pissed on, now he's just pissed off."
by jackass January 5, 2003
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a backstabber that can't get it up because he/she has no life outside of a computer.
He stays on the computer 24/7. He's such a flipmode. Poor bastard
by jackass April 20, 2004
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