An internet slang representing the impeccable state of expression;
a. Pictures or Shut the f**k up
b. Alt. Pictures or don't even bother completing your conversation.
a. My wife just recovered from a lengthy breast implant operation; "Wife? - Pics or stfu!"
by Chamot December 11, 2006
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A demand to either post links to pics of a particular subject, or stop talking about it.

see also: pics and stfu
<Laura> so I went to see my 6 year old cousin in Texas...
by Masakism December 28, 2004
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internet slang posted in reply to topics on internet threads.
literally means pics or shut the fuck up.
if someone sounds like they're bullshitting, you ask for picture evidence or tell them to stop lying.
anon:My mum just became an astronaught and went around the world yesterday.

anon1:pics or stfu
by The_Flea September 17, 2008
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