When you play an online video game and the matchmaking decides to give you the worst players possible, usually ending up with a lost match.
- Did you have fun in Paladins?
- Hell no, today I'm having the Sena phenomenon.
by pepeSh August 31, 2021
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Auditory phenomenon wherein reading a line of text commonly attributed to a person or persons with a particularly unique voice or accent causes the mind to hear that person's voice. This is not unique to famous individuals, as works clearly written with various accents (Irish, French, Pirate) yield similar results.

So named after the character Professor Farnsworth in Futurama.
So my buddy texted me, 'What's the Farnsworth Phenomenon?', so I texted him back, 'What do you think of when I type 'Good News Everyone?', a minute later he sends me back a '=O'
by GodOfAtheism November 5, 2010
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When talking to a girl, and all your logic and common sense suddenly disappears and now you’re confused about everything.
Guy 1: Bro I made a plan on how I’m finna ask out this girl, but now I don’t even know if she likes me like that !
Bro: My guy, you’re chilling - You’re just going through the amzilini phenomenon. Take a minute to calm down and read the situation properly !
by antonyfernandos January 29, 2021
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A phenomenon that arises during the end of road trips or long journeys which causes abnormal and sometimes hyper behavior in individuals. People may tend to become delusional to the point of where they either don't know what they are saying or will laugh at anything/everything.
After a 10 hour drive and only 20 minutes away from our destination:

Sally:"Sometimes I wish cow's could fly" *laughing hysterically*
John:"Jesus sally, traveler's phenomenon really got the best of you"
by Mrs. Timberlake November 30, 2009
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Auditory phenomenon wherein reading the work of a person with a particularly unique voice or accent causes the mind to hear that person's voice. Happens a lot of with Professor Farnsworth's catch phrase.
Good News, Everyone!

You just said that like Professor Farnsworth, hence the Farnsworth Phenomenon
by bobbyddog November 6, 2010
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That feeling you get when you wonder how you ever survived without something/someone and have difficulty remembering your life before it/them.

The name refers to P.G Wodehouse's characters Reginald Jeeves and Bertie Wooster. Jeeves was Bertie's butler and soon, Bertie became so dependant on Jeeves that he wondered how he got along without him.
My dad: I use the internet so much these days, I wonder how we kept in touch before it was invented.

Me: Yeah dad, it's a real Jeeves Phenomenon.
by Bertie Wooster247 January 20, 2013
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When it's really late and you're talking to somebody and you're both sober but you feel high as fuck for no reason and nothing you say makes sense
catherine: I swear half of the shit I'm saying makes no sense right now. This always happens when it's super late.
dini: yea same, it's the ifeeldumbasshit phenomenon.
by sciencetitties November 19, 2020
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