A well accomplished NFL team that has gone under much scrutiny due to an incident involving film. They have an excellent record, have broken numerous records and won more than one superbowl which is an accomplishment in itself. Many people who are anti-patriots come up with poor excuses to dislike them such as calling them (and their coach) "cheaters" despite the fact they aren't the only team that has filmed other teams. If you aren't competent enough to come up with an excuse for hating them just call them "cheaters" and high five whoever is near you.
-Dude the patriots are such fuckin cheaters they deserve to lose against manning!

uhh, they didn't cheat they just didn't stand in the designated spot while filming. Maybe you should read up on the rules before u say retarded things like that...

-STFU u fag! They DID cheat I know it!

can I just have my coffee already?
by Supadupah February 17, 2008
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1590s, "compatriot," from Middle French patriote (15c.) and directly from Late Latin patriota "fellow-countryman."

Ironically, in the mid-18th century patriot also meant a “factious disturber of the government”
by Journalistic Revolution March 11, 2017
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Someone who put a flag on their SUV after 9/11 and thought they had done their part.
by Sane in a World of Insanity November 17, 2003
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I love my country, but I fear my government.
by Politricks November 6, 2003
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Someone who appreciates his or her national heritage and as a result feels committed to upholding their country's fundamental values and morals without taking anything for granted, understanding sacrifices that were necessary throughout history.

In America, patriots in the true sense of the word take advantage of their constitutional rights to free speech and due process in the name of liberty and justice for all, meaning they protest oppressive policies that deprive people of freedom. It also means they allow dissent and equal protection regardless of race, sex, gender orientation, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. Why? Because it's the spirit of the US Constitution, hence the identity of the sweet land of liberty.

Pledging allegiance does not make you a patriot unless you live up to the pledge and stand by your refusal to be a bigot or warmonger, as that's not what the USA is supposed to be about. Saluting a flag doesn't mean you're patriotic unless you actually care that soldiers died to allow for your freedom. A patriot might own a gun legally but millions of them are unarmed since they're brave Americans thereby making it unnecessary, and in fact no patriot would ever use guns to intimidate others.

You're definitely not a patriot if you are a vigilante, a hater, a bully, someone in favor of secession, or if you allow the thought of terrorist attacks or evil-doers in general to change your life or blame innocent people.
Wise Patriot: "Someone who hates Muslims and would deny them of human rights just because of religion is the complete opposite of a patriot, at least in the United States or any other country that doesn't have an absolute dictator"
by geographydude95 October 13, 2018
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An amazing team that has undergone scrutiny because of a misunderstanding of NFL rules and is often the butt of retarded jokes because no one can come up with anything else bad about the team and he New England Patriots have beaten every other team in the league in the past 4 years.
Cheatriots- a very bad name for the Patriots
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Someone who gets upset when you don't support everything the president's administration does--as long as the administration is Republican. When the president is a Democrat, then all of a sudden the voices of dissent are patriotic.
People who claim to be patriots use the term to bully people who disagree. They often support revising history books so that kids think that the US does no wrong and protestors have never been right.
by nomorebushpleasegodnomorebush December 12, 2003
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