2 definitions by geographydude95

Someone who appreciates his or her national heritage and as a result feels committed to upholding their country's fundamental values and morals without taking anything for granted, understanding sacrifices that were necessary throughout history.

In America, patriots in the true sense of the word take advantage of their constitutional rights to free speech and due process in the name of liberty and justice for all, meaning they protest oppressive policies that deprive people of freedom. It also means they allow dissent and equal protection regardless of race, sex, gender orientation, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. Why? Because it's the spirit of the US Constitution, hence the identity of the sweet land of liberty.

Pledging allegiance does not make you a patriot unless you live up to the pledge and stand by your refusal to be a bigot or warmonger, as that's not what the USA is supposed to be about. Saluting a flag doesn't mean you're patriotic unless you actually care that soldiers died to allow for your freedom. A patriot might own a gun legally but millions of them are unarmed since they're brave Americans thereby making it unnecessary, and in fact no patriot would ever use guns to intimidate others.

You're definitely not a patriot if you are a vigilante, a hater, a bully, someone in favor of secession, or if you allow the thought of terrorist attacks or evil-doers in general to change your life or blame innocent people.
Wise Patriot: "Someone who hates Muslims and would deny them of human rights just because of religion is the complete opposite of a patriot, at least in the United States or any other country that doesn't have an absolute dictator"
by geographydude95 October 13, 2018
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Regulations about who is allowed to own guns and under what conditions, much like how motorists, business owners, and government officials are bound by special rules. Anyone who believes that kids shall not own guns, that anyone who owns a firearm has to register the weapon, and in penalties for reckless trigger-happy individuals is in favor of gun control. It may very well be more popular with liberals, but in fact millions of conservatives agree with the need for some form of restraint, that guns should be harder to purchase than candy bars or clothing. People who claim to be against "gun control" may very well support the legislation but fight it just to protest the idea of government limiting personal freedom.
Advocating for gun control does not require one to call for a complete prohibition on firearm ownership, just for rules about guns that force owners to be wise and responsible.
by geographydude95 October 4, 2018
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