Dude, I just parped really loud. It was wet.
by esufjlhgvye August 8, 2019
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the pitiful sound a car horn makes whilst in an attempt to sound like a REAL car horn (the mcraes car) and/or the sound protruding from the horn on the clown's car in my favourite little picture book
PARP/toot/beep and the list just goes on and on....
by LW December 10, 2004
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The noise that a real wordrasper/word (fart) makes!

Opps, excuse me - hehehe LOL XBOX LOL !!!!
by the DustRoom February 21, 2003
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When you fart and it makes a loud noise
Person 1: Im'ma need a parp!!
Person 2: NOEZ DONT PARP!!11! D:
Person 1: -Parp- lol i parped
Person 1: lol i parped xd
by LeeHam September 30, 2007
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To profusely discharge diarrhea as a result of consuming an edible good.
After I eat some taco bell I have to parp.
by HockeyTemper August 17, 2010
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To improve ones position on the league table of folding/ crunching past that of another persons. Commonly referred to as parping or stomping in folding but generally known as "getting ahead" or "beating".
re: Folding@HOME or SETI@HOME.
see also: borged, borging
I parped you so bad hahaha you'll never catch up with me i'm borging the whole office!
by Saberu April 12, 2006
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