Pant-see (adj)

To be over dominant for the respective situation.

To be "wearing the pants" (like in a relationship) unnecessarily.
Laquisha: "Tyrone, chill tf out and stop being so pantsy"
by Erinnealsarah November 12, 2015
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noun: the victim of a pantsing. A pantsie is the guy you see at the mall or walking down the street wearing his pants low on the hips so you can see his skinny little ass, and also the fact that he wears bargain-basement boxers. You would create a pantsie by pulling down his pants. Usually a wannabe of some sort, as a pantsie must do something to show the world how great he wishes he were. BTW-why are pantsies only guys?
Imagine you're walking behind someone flashing his butt crack and his dirty shorts (change them once in a while, jag-off!) letting the world know he's secure in his surroundings, unafraid of being exposed for what he really is (an insecure loser). As a public service you decide to finish the job he started by lowering his pants to floor level, preferably while in the presence of the girl he really likes, or the kids who hate him. VOILA!! You have created a pantsie.
by earpuller September 15, 2005
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The nervous twitchiness that you get from going too long without sex.
My girlfriend flew back home to see her parents for a week. By the end of that week I was really antsy in the pantsy!
by Teratogen May 9, 2011
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Someone who is a complete noob at anything and everything that has to do with a computer. Popularized by the infamous hacker J-dan.
Cody is a Pantsy Noob he doesint know what a keyboard is.
by Necrotic May 16, 2006
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having a feeling of irritation; peevish; having ants in pants.
He is an antsy-pantsy type of person.
by uttam maharjan August 14, 2012
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When you are just so antsy you cant wait to get into someones pants. You're antsy pantsy!
Friend 1: "Have u hit that yet?"
Friend 2: "No, fuck I'm getting antsy pantsy!"
by Heathalicious August 3, 2009
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It is a person who flunts their look by dressing or acting flashy.
You're such a fancy pantsy

Stop being a fancy pantsy
by Esteban1992 October 25, 2015
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