A panther is really just a jaguar or leopard who has black fur.
by Marcus December 2, 2003
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A young male g, ie. someone who has a lot of street cred and can handle he self (usually said of a young black man) More generally, a man who is street, and seen as an outcast or rebel from mainstream society.
"Watch out for dat nigga, he a panther!"

If you ain't street, you ain't no panther and I ain't checkin' for you.
by Khzzy July 13, 2005
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Joe Smith got drafted in the 3rd round and is now a Carolina Panther.
by Capheine December 10, 2003
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An older gay man who prays on younger men. The gay male version of a Cougar.
The panther approached his young supple pray tenderly.

"That panther just made eyes at my boyfriend! Doesn't he see this boy's a cougars cub!"
by Grabbers May 25, 2009
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A male who seeks out younger females who are 2-whatever years younger then him. For example Hugh Hefner.
Ex1. Dang he be a panther with that chick!
Guy 1: Dude come on you cant go out with her.
Guy 2: Why not?
Guy 1: She's like five years younger then you.
Guy 2: So...
Guy 1: That makes you a panther, and no one likes a panther.
Guy 2: True that true that.
by Dangshebeforreal March 12, 2010
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A word to be used as code for anything you don't want your girlfriend/parents/public to know about.

It can be used as a synonym for items such as cannabis, condoms, sex, etc. Basically anything!
(note: it helps if the people participating in the conversation decide beforehand what the word is meant to represent to prevent confusion. It could be argued that this somewhat defeats the object, but whatever.)

It may be used on social networking sites where the messages are made public as a method of maintaining privacy.
"Wanna score some Panther at the weekend?" (meaning 'drugs')
"I got some serious Panther on Saturday!" (meaning 'pussy'/'cock')
"I'll have to do the Panther" (meaning 'having sex with a large black cat')
by ROBBIE MAN March 29, 2008
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