What society is slowly but surely turning into. This state of "overcare" is being brougt on by such things as tweeting and facebook. Everyone must know what everyone is doing at all times no matter how dull and boring it is. People are feeding this monster by constantly tweetin and updating their faces with their mindless dribble and boring escapades. In a day not far from now everyone will be able to know what anyone is doing and where they are doing it.
Tony : Overcare is taking over our society.

Mike : I know I remember *flashhing back*

To when phones had cords,to when people could only call you when you were home,to when I didn't know when all my friends kid were playing a game at that exact time,to when I dind't know where people were at or if their kids were sick,or if people were just sittin around with their thumbs up their asses tweetin.

*coming back to reality*

But those days are gone thanks to tweeter and facebook.
by TV CAR March 28, 2010
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See "overcare"

The state one is in during extreme overcaring, or the inputing of to much information that could lead a reader of said information to overcare.
Mike : I was on facebook today for 5hrs. straight reading faces and udpating my face.

Tony :Sounds like you have some Overcarization problems.
by TV CAR March 28, 2010
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