Dude otaku's are not the first step to becoming weeaboo's
by FukkuFukkuTrashcan April 30, 2018
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an Otaku is a low life that is obsessed with anime. Not a weaboo though, so do not mix them up. Otaku's (yes there can be a group of otaku's. i prefer to call them a "bobs") Otaku's on the male spectrim are normally into hentai and large anime tits. Otaku's on the female spectrim are normally onbsessed with yaoi and like to see two men fuck. or they are just obsessed with male anime guys with abbs
normie: lol u weaboo
Otaku: no in fact i am actually a otaku
normie: what the fuck
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THERE IS A MASSIVE FINE LINE between OTAKU and WEEABOO. An otaku is a person that watches anime and collects stuffs thta is anime related. Otaku is actually an insult used by Japanese people in term of “House” “home” meaning that person stays in their house all day. A WEEABOO is much like a KOREABOO but obsessed with Japanese culture and thinks japan is supreme of all other countries including their own. They also used Japanese phrases mixed with English phrases like DESU and KAWAII and SUGOI
Otaku: yeh I agree Deku is awesome but please stop that... it really is cringe
by Orochimaru_hatake June 2, 2019
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Japanese word for meaning "your house".
Another person's house.
"Watashitachi wa otaku ni ikimasu."
by Moo November 2, 2004
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Otaku is a term used for anime fans. However lately it is a word used only for "eleet" followers of the genre. Most of us have liked " Japanese anime" in one way or another but it is the Otaku that knows what happens in each and every episode of every anime series ever to have existed. The problem is Otakus have broken off into their own snobbish inner circles. They get angry when someone gets a small fact wrong about a certain show and they insist on adressing each other with words such as "chan". They also get very angry and impassioned in meaningless debates such as who would win in a fight between Darth Vader and Sephiroth. Naturally they will always vote for the most girly metrosexaul inspired male character with a huge sword in any discussion pitting famous characters against each other. In the end Otakus are not unbarable because they dress in cosplay or draw fan art. They are unbarable because they are over obcessed, shun originality, and spaz over trivial bull crap. It could be argued the new gen otaku are far more extreme then their first generation counterparts. Older appreciators of anime on average are more laid back despite their eccentric habits.
I enjoy anime casually but it is the otaku that sleeps with a life sized sailor moon doll and quotes Naruto word for word!
by BrokenHierophant February 27, 2008
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This word is often misused by white nerds. Apparently they think that it means "Anime Fan". They are so grossly wrong. In reality it is the Japanese equivalent to nerd. In Japan the Otaku is the lowest social rung.
White Nerd: "I am an OtAkU!!!1111!!!!!1111"
Actually Japanese person: "I laugh at your obvious non-japaneseness"
by looeee-kun March 27, 2008
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