Someone who Cry's simply for attention, or to distract negative attention from oneselve.
You can stop the onion syndrome love, I saw you take the purse, no point pretending to cry it isn't going to work, on your knees or I'm ringing the police
by mitch00uk April 11, 2015
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The life-long remorse suffered when you turn down a guaranteed fuck with a random girl, just because she is the Brown Onion of her group of friends, and you worry what your friends will say.
God I wish I just nailed that pig in 1992 when I had the chance. I've got serious Brown Onion Syndrome now.
by Lord_Cunnington June 5, 2011
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When a person ever so delicately implements the Onision™ technique of looking up and quoting word definitions into their argument.
Bob: Sandra, he's 14 you're a pedo.
Sandra: Actually Bob, pedophilia is the attraction to pre-pubescent children, which he is not.
Bob: Whatever, ephebophile. You've just got fucking onion boy syndrome.
by EzzieHime.jpg June 1, 2018
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